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There is no requirement for importers to hold an import licence to import goods. But he might need to obtain permits to clear certain imported goods from customs control.

You can import or export most prohibited goods to and from Australia with written permission, provided you meet certain conditions and requirements. Check the list.

We help protect Australians and our environment by assessing the risks of importing or manufacturing (introducing) industrial chemicals and promoting their safe use.

ANZCERTA is one of the most comprehensive bilateral free trade agreements in existence. It covers substantially all trans-Tasman trade in goods, including agricultural products, and was the first to include free trade in services.

The Free Trade Agreement covers goods, services and investment. From 1 January 2015, all tariffs were eliminated except sugar, which retains a tariff of six per cent for Australian exports due to Chile's price-band system.

AANZFTA is an agreement between ASEAN Member States, Australia and New Zealand. It delivers extensive tariff reduction and greater certainty for services suppliers and investors. It remains the highest quality of ASEAN's FTAs with its partners.

MAFTA is a comprehensive, high-quality agreement that further integrates the Australian economy into the fast-growing Asian region. The Agreement opens avenues for Australian goods and services into the dynamic Malaysian market.

It is a modern and comprehensive FTA covering trade in goods, trade in services, investment, economic and technical cooperation, & creates new rules for electronic commerce, intellectual property, government procurement, competition, & SMEs.

Businesses don't always get the tariff cuts associated with FTAs automatically. There are a few steps exporters and importers of goods need to consider to prove the product they're exporting or importing originates in one of the countries in the FTA.

Import businesses in Australia can access financial assistance through several tariff and GST concession schemes including Tariff Concession System (TCS), Customs Warehouses Deferment of Duty and Duty Drawback and Tradex schemes.

​​​​The importation of some commodities is subject to the biosecurity conditions outlined in the departments Biosecurity Import Conditions system. Some commodities are only allowed into Australia upon the granting of BICON import permit.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand is the government body responsible for developing & maintaining the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Australian law requires all food to meet the food safety standards set out in the Food Standards Code.

Not all live animals & reproductive materials are permitted for import into Australia; the pest/disease risks associated with their import may be considered too great. Check import conditions and quarantine requirements for pet animals before import.

Cats and dogs can be imported to Australia under strict conditions designed​ to manage biosecurity risks. You will not require a permit to import a cat or dog from New Zealand or Norfolk Island, however conditions apply.

Department of Agriculture, Water & Environment Biological Imports Program administers Australian biosecurity conditions for the import of biological products. These include animal or microbial derived products such as foods, therapeutics, etc.

Motor vehicles, motor cycles & machinery can introduce biosecurity risks into Australia. It is an importer’s responsibility to ensure that motor vehicles, motorcycles or machinery are clean & free from biosecurity risks before they arrive in country.

All imported nursery stock except orchid tissue cultures brought through the airport as accompanied baggage, requires an import permit. This is regardless of the amount or whether it’s for personal/commercial use. Product inspection is must.

Imported fresh produce can introduce exotic plant pests and diseases that could be harmful to Australia’s environment, agriculture and economy. To safeguard Australia, conditions have been set for the import of all fresh produce to Australia.

All imported timber, wooden articles, bamboo and related products (whether for commercial or personal use) must comply with the import conditions as stated on the department's Biosecurity Import Conditions sys​tem (BICON).

Importer must comply with import conditions for cut flowers and foliage. Import conditions help to prevent the entry of exotic insects, plant diseases & other biosecurity risk material in country. All flowers and foliage will be inspected on arrival.

Imported animal feed poses a high biosecurity risk. It can provide a direct pathway for exotic pests & diseases that can harm humans, animals, crops & the environment. You must apply for an import permit for all animal feed, regardless of quantity.